Meetings with BUZZ
BUZZ is here for you! Get all the facts and have all your questions answered before you sign up.
FREE Parent/Student Orientation Meeting or ZOOM Call.
If you live in Southern California, call BUZZ today for your FREE orientation meeting. Plan your own information night in the comfort of your own home.
Get your group of friends and their parents together and BUZZ will come to you. We will discuss everything you want to know, from air flights, to what you
will see and do in Europe.
Call BUZZ now 818-707-6907
Packages will sell out quickly!
Mandatory Pre-Trip Meeting in May 2025
If this is your first time overseas, or your first time traveling on your own, we take you step by step through your travels! We'll cover everything that needs to be done prior to the trip, what to do on the day of departure, and exactly how the tour works. You will learn valuable travel skills that will give you the information needed to be a confident traveler and have your trip of a lifetime.
Topics Covered
​ Preparing for the Trip:
Preparing for the trip
Airport Check-In
On your flight
Arriving in Europe
Baggage Claim
Meeting your guide at the airport
Traveling on subways
Traveling by Train
Hotel Check-In
Hotel Check-Out
What to do if you miss a train
​ Travel Safety
BUZZ's Behavior Code
Travel Health
Pickpocket/ Theft Prevention
Travel Scams
Safety and Security Tips
Trip Medical and Cancellation Insurance
​ Money
Credit Cards
ATM/ Debit Cards
Local Currency
Exchange Rates
What to do if bank cards don't work
What to do if bank cards are lost/ stolen
​ Packing
Suitcase (Carry-on Only)
Doing luggage in Europe
How to pack
​ Communication on the Trip
Smart Phones, iPads
Phone Calls, Texts, etc.
Information Meeting in September for 2025 Calabasas & Beverly Hills